We have been reading "The Shack" during Nov. and Dec. in our small group that Will leads. We all enjoyed the read and had some indepth conversations.
Will also had lunch with our pastor and the president of MAF. Our pastor was asking us what brought us out to Idaho, and we told him about our desire to do mission work and to get connected with MAF. Pastor Steve let us know that the president of MAF, John, is a member of our church. He decided to invite both Will and John to lunch. It was an incredible opportunityy to get to know each other and talk about what is going on in the mission field. God has blessed us with a wonderful church and is opening doors in our lives. We are truly grateful.
Rygh was also busy. Now that he is in 3rd grade, homework is getting more involved. He had his first project that needed to be completed outside of school. His class has been studying communities and towns. They built an entire suburb with ordinances and dues. Their project for home was to build a business that would belong in a city. Rygh chose to do an air force base. We found that there really aren't any books out there (at least at our library) that shows pictures of any bases and how they are layed out. I imagine it has something to do with the security of our military. We were finally able to google earth an air force base. Granted we couldn't get a very close view, but it gave us an idea. The only challenge was that the base has too many building and things to fit them all in a 18"-20" cardboard base. We improvised a little, but It still turned out well. The kids all had to bring their projects in, and they assembled the entire 3rd grade town in the gym. It was really neat to see.
Thanksgiving found us at Barbs. It was so nice to see her and the kids again. It was such a wonderful little vacation. I was glad that I could spend time with family. The drive was really pretty and the food was incredible! Rygh enjoyed playing with Trevor, Amelia, and Ariana. I know that Barb was missing Travis, but I am so glad she had us over despite Travis not being there. It was a wonderful rest. Amelia and Ariana are sooo lovable. I loved the fact that they gave both Will and I hugs and kisses. It almost made me want a little girl of my own to cuddle. I am hoping that I can visit again in the Spring. The weather is a little crazy right now for traveling.
Here are a few pictures of the kids.
Now this brings us to December. We have had quite a bit of snow. Will thought that it was quite funny to see me shoveling snow in my heels. One of our neighbors said that it was a first for him to see.