Saturday, February 28, 2009

Proud to be an American

In today's world, it seems that fewer schools are instilling a pride for their community and Country. Some public schools do not require the pledge to be said daily or even on occasion. I find it disheartening.
So, when I found out that the 3rd graders were putting on a presentation with the theme being "America", I was wondering were they would take it. Rygh's teacher asked him to say a part in the presentation. He practiced for two weeks
I took a half day off from work & Will and I headed to the school. The children did a wonderful job. Patriotic songs were sung. Information was given about our Presidents. The "hardest" part for the kids was to present the Gettysburg Address. I was definitely impressed. They ended the presentation with "God bless America".
I am glad that we are in an area that still thinks it important to teach about the principles that our country was founded on, have pride in our country and to not be afraid to sing a song with God in it.

Rygh did a great job, and we were very proud of him.

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