Saturday, March 14, 2009


My mind has been going back in time a lot lately. So many things are different, yet the emotions are so much the same. I still love my sister Chrissy as much today as I did 9 years ago before she passed away. I still miss her with a fierceness that takes my breath away. I look at her pictures so I don't forget her face. I remember so many secrets told under the covers, games played together, pictures drawn, and stories read to each other at night. I remember promises made and questions asked. All of these things are packed away in a section of my brain, and they seem to come out whenever something triggers those moments of hidden remembrances. Pictures that Rygh has drawn with his Pastels.
Big reminders of all the nights that she would stay up late and work on a piece of art while I would be up late reading. I love her and miss her, and I love all of the reminders. I hope I can continue to pull all of the hidden memories out of the closet as time steadily passes.

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