Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shoshone Falls

Of course there are many wonderful things to do in Idaho. And with the weather getting nicer, it is better for traveling through the mountains or anywhere for that matter. Shoshone falls is just one of the wonders to be found here in the great Gem State (nicknamed because it is one of only two places in the world where star garnets can be found (the other is the Himalaya Mountains, in India), and is the only place six pointed star garnets have been found).
The shoshone falls is a waterfall on the Snake River located approximately five miles east of Twin Falls, Idaho. Sometimes called the "Niagara of the West," Shoshone Falls is 212 feet high--36 feet higher than Niagara Falls-- and flows over a rim 900 feet wide.
Because of drought and irrigation, the levels of water of the falls are only about 1/2 of what they used to be. And in late summer much lower than that.
If I would have remembered my camera I could have shown you the incredible pictures. They would have turned out something like these:

We drove about 2 hours to the falls, spent time looking at the incredible display of water power, fished for a couple of hours and headed home. It was a wonderful time.

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