Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ask and you shall recieve

I seemed to have totally bypassed our Easter on the blog. It was a very nice, quiet day. We didn't do too much. Our church had an egg "hunt" on Saturday Evening, and Rygh came home with 24 stuffed eggs. This year the pastor asked for help with gathering and stuffing the eggs. On major holiday events we get about 4000 attendees between all of the services, and Pastor Steve knew that he would need people to bring in the eggs. He was aiming for 9,000 plastic eggs this year. He said he had been praying about it for a while. When all of the egg donations were in, he ended up with 17,000 Easter eggs! Ask and you shall receive. It took 5 adults 2+ hours to put them all on the baseball field, and 6 min for the kids to pick them all up!

The mad dash!

Total chaos!
Rygh with Pastor Steve.

John Boyd, the President of MAF was also there with his family. I was able to get in a quick photo op with him and Will.

We colored eggs on Saturday night as well. We rose Sunday Morning, hunted eggs, and enjoyed the wonderful day. Evening Service was great.

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